समय के साथ नये आयाम एवं आधुनिक चिकित्सा प्रणाली से बेहतर स्वास्थ्य सेवा देना ही हमारी प्राथमिकता है | सर्वोत्तम ,सर्वोत्कृष्ट, इस अंचल का सबसे सुविधाजनक अस्पताल | हम आपकी सेवा के लिए हमेशा उपलब्ध है। सिर्फ एक फ़ोन कॉल पर अपनी छोटी या बड़ी समस्या को बताए ओर डॉक्टर से मिलेl आयुष्मान कार्ड/ मेडिक्लेम पॉलिसी/ किफायती दरों पर अपनी बीमारी का इलाज करवाये।
आपका अपना अस्पताल .- अमलतास अस्पताल, देवास :- 9752447834, 9752467451
Amaltas Hospital is frequently recognized for its commitment to providing world-class healthcare and excellent patient service.
In a hospital, wards and rooms play a crucial role in providing medical care and accommodating patients.
Lab tests and diagnostics play a crucial role in the field of medicine as they aid in the detection, various medical conditions.
If you are looking for an emergency and trauma care hospital, I recommend using a search engine like Google to find one in your area.
In a hospital, wards and rooms play a crucial role in providing medical care and accommodating patients.
Lab tests and diagnostics play a crucial role in the field of medicine as they aid in the detection, various medical conditions.
If you are looking for an emergency and trauma care hospital, I recommend using a search engine like Google to find one in your area.
In a hospital, wards and rooms play a crucial role in providing medical care and accommodating patients.
Amaltas Institute of Medical Sciences, Dewas (NABH Accredited) is one among the best multi-superspeciality hospitals in Central India covering all the nearby districts of Dewas committed to offer best and evidence-based healthcare services. We are a leading and integrated healthcare centre with multiple centre of excellence for superspecialities including Heart, Neuroscience, Cancer, Liver, Bones and Joints, Nephrology, Mother, Child and Fertility and so on…
There are several awards and accreditations that hospitals can receive to recognize their excellence in healthcare delivery, patient safety, and overall performance. Here are some notable awards and accreditations that hospitals strive to achieve: